There are many ways to advocate for people living with bipolar disorder.

  • Volunteer with an organization focused on actively helping those with bipolar disorder or their families.

  • Make a donation to an organization or a program that supports bipolar disorder education, research, advocacy and/or communities. The Sean Costello Memorial Fund for Bipolar Research, for instance, uses your donations to financially back research into exploring the link between bipolar disorder and creativity.

Our own advocacy includes:
- Music Benefit Concerts
- Beautiful Minds Lecture Series
- Treatment in Tune Guitar Donation Drive

  • Educate yourself and others about the condition and ways to manage it. [Link takes you to the ‘Resources’ section]

  • Help someone living with bipolar disorder to tide over a crisis or manage their symptoms better. [Link to infographic ‘Mental health crisis or management - Who to turn to for help’.]

  • Ask an employer or business to sponsor a program that spotlights the condition and benefits those affected by it.

  • Post and share stories, articles, news and information about bipolar disorder and those affected by the condition online and especially via social media. [Link to The Fund’s Facebook page.]

You can even join a bipolar disorder research study or clinical trial—or encourage someone who lives with the condition to sign up—as a volunteer participant.

Remember . . . just being there, listening empathically, being useful, or representing their interests can itself be a great way to advocate for someone affected by bipolar disorder.